This page is meant to showcase some of my work.


One of my most recent projects was designing and developing a web-based knowledge system for the Finance Department at Stanford University. It received glowing praise from several key Finance Department personnel. The project manager, who is the Director of Communications, wrote "The web site looks great...You guys are awesome!" The CFO wrote, "Congratulations to your team on this excellent work."

I completed another major project for a large glass panel display manufacturer. My work on this project also received high praise. The project manager for the customer stated in an email to several directors and a Vice President of my company, "Although John is a new player (relatively) to the project team, his work ethics, professionalism and the depth of his knowledge in the learning space has enabled him to produce quality work product. This is evident by client's desire of wanting John returning for subsequent trips."

When I was at Lam Research I developed a CBT course intended to train Lam field service personnel and customers located all over the world how to operate a particular piece of equipment. I developed it using Authorware to replace a week-long instructor-led course. We deployed it over CD-ROM to overcome bandwidth restrictions at many of our customer sites.

In 2005 I served as the e-Communications Director for the San Diego chapter of the American Society for Training and Development. One of my main responsibilities was maintaining the chapter web site. The image at the left shows the web site as it appeared at the end of my tenure. The picture of the San Diego skyline highlights one of my side interests. When possible, I enjoy incorporating my photography and videography into web sites I build and training programs I author.



I took the first four classes in my MA program as an online student. One of those classes was EDTEC 685, taught by Dr. Allison Rossett. The image at the right links to a group project I did for the class. Three of us were online students and two were on campus. In addition to recording my section of the project I also edited the video embedded in the project, edited all the audio, sequenced all the animations, and published the project through Breeze. Click on the image to view the finished product.

Another class I took was EDTEC 671, taught by Dr. Bob Hoffman. There were two main projects in 671: completing a piece for individualized instruction and completing a piece for informal learning. The image at the left links to what I developed for individualized instruction. It is one of the first complete Flash pieces I did. Click on the image to check it out.


Another online class I took was EDTEC 572, taught by Dr. Minjuan Wang. For that class I did a group project about SCORM with two other online students. It was a great experience because it gave me an opportunity to learn much more about SCORM than I previously knew. It also gave me another chance to collaborate with people spread across multiple time zones. Click on the image at the right to view our finished product.

During my MA program I became increasingly interested in how one's culture affects one's experience with online learning. In response to that interest I started reading as much as I could about culture. One of the classes I took, EDTEC 561 taught by Dr. Bob Hoffman, provided me the opportunity to develop a post for the Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. The image at the left represents my effort. Click on the image to link to my article in the EET.


Along with my developing interest in how culture affects learning, I became more interested in distance education. Consequently, one of my favorite classes was EDTEC 650, Distance Education, taught by Dr. Fred Saba. As part of my course work for that class I did a technology demonstration. I incorporated my interest in culture into my technology demonstration. Click on the image at the right to view a presentation I did to report my work to the class.
