I have been involved in some type of full-time training capacity for over ten years. During that time, and especially during my time spent in the Educational Technology program at San Diego State University I developed a "philosophy of training". My philosophy is certainly not unique. Nor is it necessarily incredibly insightful. Nevertheless, it is mine, and for that reason I want to share it with all who are interested.

For me,

"Training is getting the right information, to the right people, at the right time, using the right medium and methods."

The "right information" can represent skills, knowledge, and abilities among other things. The "right people" are those people, and only those people, who need to use those skills, knowledge, and abilities. The "right time" is as near as possible to the time when the skills, knowledge, and abilities are needed. Providing training far in advance of when it is needed is less than optimal. Of course not providing training until it is too late is a more serious situation.

There can be a large number of "right medium and methods". The medium and methods depend on the audience, the information, and many other factors. Some of the right medium and methods include: instructor-led training, eLearning (in many different formats), job aids, a knowledge management system, podcasting, educational video, or a combination of any of these or others into what has become known as blended learning. Although I am a very firm proponent of technology, much training accomplished today using some form of technology could be delivered more efficiently and cost effectively using a less technological delivery medium and method. Therefore, those designing, developing and implementing training should use the best technology for each situation.
