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Performance-Centered Learning

Hello again everyone. Are you satisfied with the learning and development opportunities at your company? Do you think you have all the required skills and knowledge to do your jobs? Concerning Statistics According to an October 2019 article in Harvard Business Review (Where Companies Go Wrong With Learning and Development) organizations across the globe spent $359 Billion dollars on training in 2016. Yet 70% of employees reported they don’t have sufficient skills and knowledge to do their jobs. Also, 75% of managers reported they are dissatisfied with their organizations Learning and Development (L&D) departments. The article also stated that only 12% of employees apply what they learned on the job. The…

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Job-Based Skills Verifications

Hello everyone. Today, I’m writing about job-based skills verifications.  Job-Based Skills Verifications vs. Skills Analyses vs. Performance Reviews Job-based skills verifications should be a key component of every learning program. Job-based skills verifications are sometimes equated with skills analyses. However, there are important distinctions. Skills analyses are used to determine what skills are needed to perform a particular job. These should occur before a learning event and are used to identify who would benefit from new knowledge and skills. They can also be used to determine what skills and knowledge individuals need that they may not currently have. This information can then be used to develop an overall learning program.…

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Blended Learning – Getting the Recipe Right

When is the last time you were sitting in a meeting and someone said, “Let’s run it up the flagpole.” How about when you were having a conversation with a work colleague and she said, “It’s time to hit the ground running.” What do those phrases even mean? Are you supposed to write an idea down, take it outside, clip it on a cable, and hoist it to the top of the flag pole? What good would that do? Is your colleague suggesting you jump out of an airplane (hopefully with a parachute) and be running already when you hit the ground? Will that get you where you’re going any…

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What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning seems to be one of those much overused terms that can mean many different things to different people. Without some form of definition, blended learning is little more than a clever catch phrase or buzzword that has little real meaning or value. Please watch this video to learn more. If you like it,…

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